

THE EPHEMERAL AND THE EVANESCENCE PERCEPTION -Gallery Exhibition at Rome, Italy by @loosenart

Since the Paleolithic age, man, in leaving a mark and trace of himself on a support, has always shown an interest in grasping from the experience of life what he believes to have an important meaning, attributing to it a particular value. This anthropological behavior is well testified by the history of art, behavior which, with the evolution of man, reflects that greater awareness of the concept of transience, changeability and the ephemeral state of existence of things.
It is above all to the concept of “beauty” and “good” that modern man attributes the absolute values ​​of his existence, concepts that are still conveyed today by every medium dedicated to art, from painting to photography, from video to digital media etc ..
The very nature of many new technologies of art demonstrate, in their production process, a purpose that has to do with the evanescent physicality of things of our reality, as photography demonstrates, with its retaining on the surface what passes through an evanescent and impalpable “writing of light”.
It is quite often precisely the ephemeral state of things and the evanescent perception of them that arouse in us a passionate participation with them, useful to feed our being and to reactivate our senses.

Author: Marko Milić

Marko Milić was born in Nova Gradiška, Croatia in 1998. There, he also finished his high school education. Marko’s interest in art appeared while working with his father, a sculptor. That is when he chose his career path would be an artistic one. Pushing himself into the unknown, he opened a company in 2019, at the age of 20, dedicated to creating a functional sculptures inspired by the love for nature, Logniture. In order of promoting company work and the necessity for high-quality images, investment in a quality digital camera was required. Quickly after picking it up, Marko has shown interest and fell in love with the photographic medium itself, learned everything about technicalities, and dove into exploring the unknown. He started with product photography, moved on to simple captures of his dogs playing, to long-exposure night photography, astrophotography, and macro photography, which led him to engage in exploring the endless possibilities of abstract photography. Marko already counts few publications and multiple international exhibitions across the Europe, some of them were held in Amsterdam, Rome, Berlin, Athena & Stockholm.

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