
ExpoArt MONTICHIARI FAIR CENTER! February 24/25 2023

I am proud to announce the first exhibition for the fresh year of 2023! In collaboration with ContextArtGallery who is representing me in this beautiful exhibition, we will present my original abstract work in stunning Montichiari(Italy) art fair EXPOARTE ittà di Montichiari!

Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 February 2023 the appointment with “EXPOARTE Città di Montichiari” returns, an exhibition of modern and contemporary art, proposed by the Centro Fiera di Montichiari (Brescia), in collaboration with the Artistic Director Giovanni Zucca .

The visit to EXPOARTE will be a journey full of suggestions, with the possibility of appreciating the works of some of the most creative and popular artists of the moment. ❤

The appointment with the modern art market exhibition of the Montichiari Fair Center (BS) is for Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 February

Author: Marko Milić

Marko Milić was born in Nova Gradiška, Croatia in 1998. There, he also finished his high school education. Marko’s interest in art appeared while working with his father, a sculptor. That is when he chose his career path would be an artistic one. Pushing himself into the unknown, he opened a company in 2019, at the age of 20, dedicated to creating a functional sculptures inspired by the love for nature, Logniture. In order of promoting company work and the necessity for high-quality images, investment in a quality digital camera was required. Quickly after picking it up, Marko has shown interest and fell in love with the photographic medium itself, learned everything about technicalities, and dove into exploring the unknown. He started with product photography, moved on to simple captures of his dogs playing, to long-exposure night photography, astrophotography, and macro photography, which led him to engage in exploring the endless possibilities of abstract photography. Marko already counts few publications and multiple international exhibitions across the Europe, some of them were held in Amsterdam, Rome, Berlin, Athena & Stockholm.

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